Faculty of Humanities at the University of Žilina
The Faculty was established in August 1998 as the Faculty of Science and became the youngest faculty of the University of Žilina. The profile of the Faculty has been gradually transformed, departments of social sciences and humanities were established and the spectrum of offered study programmes enabling students to find jobs in the European labour market extended.
At the moment, there are four Departments at the Faculty of Humanities as described below. As far as their pedagogical and scientific activities are concerned, they cope with the principles of education of the 21st century leading to the idea of knowledge society.
- Department of English Language and Literature
- Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage
- Department of Pedagogical Studies
- Department of Philosophy
The above-mentioned departments provide education at three levels of higher education in full-time and part-time forms of studies (Bachelor´s degree, Master´s degree and PhD. degree). In addition, the Faculty also offers a supplementary course of pedagogical studies for students and graduates. At present the following study programmes are offered at the Faculty:
- Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage
- Teaching of Subjects: English Language and Literature and Citizenship Education
Students who have graduated in Bachelor´s Degree Programmes or Master´s Degree Programmes are also qualified to work in public or scientific libraries, information analytical and documentation centres, information survey centres and information centres, library managements, civil and public authorities, as well as teachers in primary or secondary schools according to their specializations. Students who graduate from the University can continue in their studies or their work in the field of science, research and development at universities, research institutes and other enterprises and firms as well.
More Information on Possibilities for Studies
In the area of international cooperation the Faculty has already signed almost thirty bilateral agreements with foreign universities and institutions of higher education either within LLP/Erasmus programme or by the means of direct agreements with universities outside the European Union and thus it supports mobility and cooperation with higher education institutions in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Czech republic, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Turkey, USA.
The mission of the Faculty of Humanities is to develop and support education, science and research in the perspective of humanities and their traditions, and through a wider range of humanities to contribute to the credit of the University of Žilina as a high quality research University.

University of Žilina in Žilina
Univerzitná 8215/1
010 26 Žilina
tel.: +421 41 513 6101
fax.: +421 41 513 6114
e-mail: kontakt@fhv.uniza.sk